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Huwebes, Disyembre 15, 2011

function code that convert number to words(vb6 to

Public Function NumToText(ByVal dblValue As Double) As String
Static ones(0 To 9) As String
Static teens(0 To 9) As String
Static tens(0 To 9) As String
Static thousands(0 To 4) As String
Dim i, x, y As Integer, nPosition As Integer
Dim nDigit As Integer, bAllZeros As Integer
Dim strResult As String, strTemp As String, strTemp1 As String
Dim tmpBuff As String

ones(0) = "zero"
ones(1) = "one"
ones(2) = "two"
ones(3) = "three"
ones(4) = "four"
ones(5) = "five"
ones(6) = "six"
ones(7) = "seven"
ones(8) = "eight"
ones(9) = "nine"

teens(0) = "ten"
teens(1) = "eleven"
teens(2) = "twelve"
teens(3) = "thirteen"
teens(4) = "fourteen"
teens(5) = "fifteen"
teens(6) = "sixteen"
teens(7) = "seventeen"
teens(8) = "eighteen"
teens(9) = "nineteen"

tens(0) = ""
tens(1) = "ten"
tens(2) = "twenty"
tens(3) = "thirty"
tens(4) = "forty"
tens(5) = "fifty"
tens(6) = "sixty"
tens(7) = "seventy"
tens(8) = "eighty"
tens(9) = "ninty"

thousands(0) = ""
thousands(1) = "thousand"
thousands(2) = "million"
thousands(3) = "billion"
thousands(4) = "trillion"

'Trap errors
On Error GoTo NumToTextError

'Get fractional part
strResult = Format((dblValue - Int(dblValue)) * 100)
'Convert rest to string and process each digit
strTemp = CStr(Int(dblValue))

'Iterate through string
For i = Len(strTemp) To 1 Step -1
'Get value of this digit
nDigit = Val(Mid$(strTemp, i, 1))
'Get column position
nPosition = (Len(strTemp) - i) + 1
'Action depends on 1's, 10's or 100's column
Select Case (nPosition Mod 3)
Case 1 '1's position
bAllZeros = False
If i = 1 Then
tmpBuff = ones(nDigit) & " "
ElseIf Mid$(strTemp, i - 1, 1) = "1" Then
tmpBuff = teens(nDigit) & " "
i = i - 1 'Skip tens position
ElseIf nDigit > 0 Then
tmpBuff = ones(nDigit) & " "
'If next 10s & 100s columns are also
'zero, then don't show 'thousands'
bAllZeros = True
If i > 1 Then
If Mid$(strTemp, i - 1, 1) <> "0" Then
bAllZeros = False
End If
End If
If i > 2 Then
If Mid$(strTemp, i - 2, 1) <> "0" Then
bAllZeros = False
End If
End If
tmpBuff = ""
End If
If bAllZeros = False And nPosition > 1 Then
tmpBuff = tmpBuff & thousands(nPosition / 3) & " "
End If
strResult = tmpBuff & strResult
Case 2 'Tens position
If nDigit > 0 Then
strResult = tens(nDigit) & " " & strResult
End If
Case 0 'Hundreds position
If nDigit > 0 Then
strResult = ones(nDigit) & " hundred " & strResult
End If
End Select
Next i
'Convert first letter to upper case
If Len(strResult) > 0 Then
strResult = UCase$(Left$(strResult, 1)) & Mid$(strResult, 2)
End If


'Return result
y = Len(strResult)
strTemp1 = Mid(strResult, 1, y - 1)

NumToText = strTemp1 & "only"
Exit Function

strResult = "#Error#"
Resume EndNumToText
End Function

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